At WorldSkills UK we are all about helping more young people, whatever their background, get the best start in work and life and to inspire millions of young people to follow apprenticeships and technical careers to support the development of higher-level skills every year.
We have recognised the need to widen participation in our programmes and tackle barriers faced by young people to enable them to take part in our competitions. To break down some of these barriers we have launched our Competitor Support Fund. The Fund will help cover essential costs for those who need it, including but not restricted to travel, equipment and clothing, care responsibilities and staff cover costs for small and medium-sized employers.
The Fund will provide a contribution towards the cost of taking part in our on-site National Qualifiers (national qualifiers that are online or taking place remotely are exempt from this Fund), and the National Finals.
Applications for support needs not listed above will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Travel to a maximum of £150
Day-care for dependents to the maximum of £150
Costs to small – and medium-sized employers to a maximum of £150
Specialist equipment or clothes required for a specific competition to a maximum of £100
Before making an application, please read the guidance notes.
Applications can be made for support to take part in an on-site national qualifier and again if a competitor successfully reaches the National Finals. National qualifiers that are taking place online or remotely are exempt from this Fund.
Applications can be submitted once a competitor has received written confirmation of their place at a National Qualifier or at the National Finals.
To ensure all those that are eligible to apply for funding are able to do so, applications can be made up to 4 weeks after the end of the National Qualifier or the National Finals stages.
The final deadline for applications for support for the National Qualifiers is 5:00pm on 31 July 2025.
The final deadline for applications for support for the National Finals is 5:00pm on 19 December 2025.
Any applications made outside this period will not be considered.
Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application three weeks, from the date of submission (if all the required information has been supplied). If the application is approved the applicant will be contacted in order to supply bank account details to process the payment.
As a publicly funded organisation WorldSkills UK must meet strict auditing requirements so no grant can be paid without a fully-completed application form. Please remember to keep receipts as proof of purchase. If funds have been paid before attendance at a National Qualifier or the National Finals and the competitor fails to attend and take part, we will request that monies are repaid back to us. WorldSkills UK reserves the right to withdraw the offer of a grant or refuse payment if insufficient information is submitted or if the fund allocation has been reached.